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   Chapter 8  We Participate 
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  Paragraph numbers with topics 

Chapter 7  We Believe in  
                   the Day of Judgment 
                    and a New Dwelling 
                    and a New Earth

394-410 Part 1 Judgment Day 

394-410  Section 1 Introduction

395  Section Timing Known
         Only to the Father

396  Section The 
         Resurrection of the Body 

397-400  Section 4 The Harvest

401-410  Section 5 The Last

401  The last and greatest 

401-403  In court actions
                  laid bare

404-405  Questions asked
406  Those who are ready 
         are in the Book of Life

407-410  The who were foolish
                 who are not ready
                 will not be with God 

411-413  Part 2 A New Dwelling
                 and a New Earth

414-415  Part 3 Summary


   (1) CCC 1040
   (2) IGL 93:30-32
  (3) IGL 233:27-29 see
         also 214:29, 238:31, 
         246:11-24,  and 303:6-8

  (4) CCC 1038 fn 621
          ⇒ Acts 24:15. 

  (5) IGL 359:9-131
  (6) IGL 235:1-8 Note that this resurrection of the body is mentioned as part of the second woe.  There are seven woes in the book In God’s Love.  With the exception of the harvest of the Angels and the resurrection of the body (both which have strong biblical witness) I believe the Catholic Church is uninterested in having events that happen before Judgment Day into its deposit of faith, therefore a full discussion of woes 1-6 will not occur here but rather in Chapter 17 paragraphs  803-837.  The seventh and last woe which is Judgment Day will be discussed in this Chapter.

  (7) IGL 528:1-4 
        see also 365:24-25 
        and 467:4-6

  (8) Gospel of Matthew
         13:37-43 see also 

  (9) IGL 349:24-32
  (10) IGL 221:12-20 
           see also 349:5,
           350:3-4 and 528:7-11 

  (11) IGL 349:6-17
           see also 352:20-34

  (12) IGL 349:1-3
  (13) IGL 350:5-6
  (14) IGL 513:17-22
  (15) IGL 243:1-3
  (16) IGL 243:5-15
  (17) IGL 480:25-35  This passage does not specifically say it is about Judgment Day, but it does say “when they come into God’s presence” which all must do on Judgment Day.  At any rate the type of God we have remains the same whether it be Judgment Day or another event meeting His presence.

IGL 151:10-12
  (19) IGL 123:1-6
  (20) Book of Malachi 3:16
  (21) CCC 1039 Fn 624 Cf.
           ⇒ Jn 12:49. 

  (22) IGL 362:16-23
  (23) IGL 418:15-30
  (24) CCC 1038 fn  623
           ⇒ Mt 25:31,
           ⇒ 32, ⇒ 46. 

  (25) 427:21-22 see also
          427:13 and 445:30-33

  (26) Book of Revelation
           21:27 it is also cited 
          in the book of
          Revelation 3:5, 20:12

  (27) IGL 60:3-10, 14-16
  (28) IGL 359:14-18 
          see also 3:1-3

  (29) IGL 357:11-15
  (30) IGL 427:20-21,

  (31) IGL 243:16-20
  (32) CCC 1039 Quote 
          625 St. Augustine, 
          Sermo 18, 4:
          PL 38, 130-131; cf. 
          ⇒ Ps 50:3. 

  (33) IGL 375:21-28
  (34) IGL 475:27-32
  (35) IGL 445:34-35
  (36) IGL 204:27-30
  (37) IGL 123:9-11
  (38) IGL 104:14-16
  (39) CCC 1047 quote 638
           St. Irenaeus, Adv. 
           haeres. 5, 32,
          1 PG 7/2, 210.

  (40) IGL 244:25-29
  (41) CCC 1048 quote 639  
          GS 39 # 1.
  (42) PR/CH18/PP 855-860, 

How does In God's Love 
written by Janet Hurlow
relate to 
the Catholic Faith ?

  Chapter 7  We Believe in the Day of Judgment
                      and a New Dwelling and a New Earth

            Part 1 Judgment Day

                      Section 1 Introduction

394        What does the deposit of faith of the Catholic Church have say about the Last Judgment?  First, the time is known only to the Father.  Second, there will be the resurrection of the dead.  Third, there will be a harvest of people, with messengers of God doing the harvesting.  Fourth, Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. Fifth, our actions will be laid bare.  Sixth the elect who are prepared and have lived a life following Christ will be with Christ; those who are not prepared and have lived a life of sin will not be allowed to be with Christ and will go to hell.

                      Section 2 The Timing of the Last Judgment 
                                            is Known Only to God the Father  

395           Only God the Father knows the time of the Last Judgment which He himself sets.  The Catechism states that “the Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in glory. Only the Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of its coming.”(1)   The authors of In God’s Love agree, for through Janet Hurlow they write, “Signed is the day.  Signed and sealed until God sends His messengers in such blessed children.”(2)   They also write, “Kept is the day in the Father’s keeping.  Only He knows of Earth’s last day, when all spirits of Earth shall be judged…”(3)

                      Section 3 The Resurrection of the Body 

396           Before judgment day, the bodies of the dead will come back to life.  The Catechism states, “the resurrection of all the dead, ‘of both the just and the unjust,’<621> will precede the Last Judgment. This will be "the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come forth,…”(4)   The messengers agree that the bodies of the dead will come back to life, for they state, “Earth does not keep her dead.  Come forth from your graves, all you who are under her soil.  Rise up so swiftly, wise and foolish.  Sound of sounds are heard on the Earth.  It is finished.”(5)  They also state more elaborately, “Rise out of the Earth, saints of God whose bodies sleep.  In this time, O such children who stand not on God’s Earth, those chosen ones whose flesh returns and whose hearts start to beat with the flow of blood long dried and blown away.  Come, gather this, your gift.  This is your reward for being such good Earth children.  This is the second sorrow and the second rising.”(6) 

                      Section 4 The Harvest 

397           God calls our names.  The Messengers state that  “Soon, your Father shall call your name.  Soon, those who love Him will be so overjoyed with His voice.  The sound of His voice will be sweet to those who have done His will on the Earth.”(7)

398           According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells the parable of the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) and then explains the parable: “Then he (Jesus) said in reply, ‘He who sows good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seed the children of the kingdom.  The weeds are the children of the evil one and the enemy who sows them is the devil.  The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.  Just as weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.  The Son of Man will send his angels and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers.  They will throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.  Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.  Whoever has ears ought to hear.’”(8)  
399           The good, faithful children, like wheat and grapes that are ready, will be harvested, separated out from the unbelievers, the evil weeds and bad grapes.  The messengers likewise explain: “Here is the good spirit’s understanding: only good fruit is worthy of the harvest.  If you were to gather wheat, would you bundle the weeds for wheat?  No, man of Earth, you would not.  You would bundle the weeds separately and cast them out for burning.  Neither would you keep the grapes that are green and rotten.  In this, take wisdom.”(9)   The messengers, like Jesus of the Gospels, use the image of harvesting for what the messengers of God do: “This is written: ‘Go forth, signs of signs.  Sort out. Start on Earth.  Choose the wheat in bundles.  Sort out the weeds and cast them in the fire. Sort and choose on Earth.’  This is inscribed in this spirit: ‘Blessed is the fruit of the harvest.’  So well have you chosen.”(10)   They also say they harvest very carefully for “this is the harvest.  Gather the ripe fruit, songs of Earth, and bring it in.  This is reached.  Earth is indeed ripe.  She is full, and her fruit is heavy in the fields and on the branches.  Do not bruise the fruit nor squeeze the grapes, and watch that the grain does not fall upon the ground.  Tender is the harvest and delicate to the touch.  Sift out all the rotten.  Cast it in one heap and bundle.  The weeds to be burned.”(11)  

400           This harvest is real, and like Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the messengers say the harvesters are sent by God, gather the harvest, and bring the harvest to King: “Visitors on Earth, wise ones sent in God’s Spirit, cast your nets upon the Earth.”(12)   “Ripe is the harvest brought to the King.  Real is this gathering.”(13)   They also state that “This is the great and glorious day, blessed day on Earth as it is in Heaven, when angels gather songs of Earth and place them in the Father’s presence.  Beloved children are like precious jewels of every kind, shining in His presence forever.”(14)

                      Section 5 The Last Judgment

401           “This is the great day of judgment.  The Earth is cleared of its sorrow, yet this is the last and greatest sorrow of all”(15)   The messengers proclaim that at the Last Judgment everyone is brought to trial: “In God’s courts are all spirits.  This is written: ‘When virtue speaks, each creature of Earth steps forth and speaks his own song.’  In this way, God accepts in such wisdom.  Sound this trumpet, Oh Great one of God.  Sound it on Earth.  All creatures must come.  Come, all you saints.  Come, all you sinners. In this rising is our last mission.”(16)  

402           In the court of judgment, there will be the all-knowing God who is merciful and fair.  The messengers urge us to “do the best you can to love God and all people and all God’s creation.  He understands.  This is a tip to all those who are frustrated.  God will take a lot of misunderstanding into consideration.  He does understand and is fair, considerate and merciful.  Those souls who are seeking God and trying to do His will are given much consideration when they come into God’s presence.  Sing for joy, souls of mankind.  God is a kind, merciful Father.”(17)   In this court there will be a God who sees everyone and the good and the bad actions they do.  The messengers state, “Kept are the deeds of man.  This is the blessed book of beings of Earth.  In this book are all merits and all vice recorded.”(18)   They also state, “Seen are the ways of mankind.  Such wise ways are seen, and such foolish ways are seen.  Earth, Earth, God sees your children, every one, and in His seeing are the deeds of all people.  Such deeds of Earth are kept.”(19)   Scripture notes a book of deeds.  In the book of Malachi it is written that there is a book of deeds that is used by the Lord.(20)

403           The Catechism states that at the Last Judgment all of our actions will be laid bare.  The Catechism states, “In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare.<624> The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his Earthly life:…”(21)   The messengers agree that this will be the case.  The messengers write, “Soon, our song comes on Earth.  Bring your works forward, show them to all who have ever lived on the Earth.  Spirits, take your song with you.  Bring such sacred music to God.  His Spirit takes this spirit.  So soon, bring your righteous deeds.  Sing this out in God’s love.”(22)    

404           According to the messengers there will be questions asked of us when we stand in God’s presence. They proclaim that “the hour is near when every person on the Earth must stand in God’s presence.  What will be worthwhile on that day?  Will it be wealth?  Will it be possessions or power?  Speak, sons of man.  What do you call worthwhile?  Here is where your treasure counts.  Here is your worth found.  It is not in Earthly possessions that you shall receive.  Count the treasures of your heart.  Have you loved others?  Have you loved God?  Have you loved?  Have you been kind and just to everyone and everything you have met?”(23)

405           The Catechism states that on Judgment day, “Christ will come ‘in his glory, and all the angels with him .... Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left.... and they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.’ <623>”(24)   The messengers state that we all enter into God’s presence and “Some are ready, while others are not.  Those who are ready shall rejoice in His Spirit.”(25)   

406           The book of life, in which we gain entry into the heavenly Jerusalem, is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.(26)   The messengers say that God is pleading with us now to put our names in the book by the way we live: “Inscribe your name, saith the Lord.  Inscribe your name in God’s name.  In God’s love, come.  In God’s Spirit, rest in His care, Earth children.  O little ones,  O foolish, little ones, come and sin no more.  Come do good and righteous things before the Lord.  Bless in God’s love…. Blessings are yours, all you who reach out to God and rest in His love.  Turning not away, inscribe your name in God’s book of life.”(27)   On Judgment Day, this book of life can lovingly be displayed: “Beloved of God’s Spirit, inscribed is your name in Heaven.  God sings so blessedly in your hearts.  Songs sung on Earth are sung in Heaven.  Your name is inscribed in gold in this book.  Come and see.”(28)

407           Not everyone’s name is written in the book of life: “Soon, you are sent for. Run as you may, this is your call, and no man escapes.  Sweet is the call of saints.  Bitter is the call of the foolish who are not written in this book of life.”(29)   Those who are foolish and not ready, will regret not believing in God: “This is seen: all shall come before God.  Some are ready, while others are not…. Those who are not ready will proclaim, “He is real!”  God is real, and those who do not really believe in Him are really not being accepted in His Kingdom.”(30)   We either live a life joined with God or Satan and for those of the latter, the messengers write that seeing the King for the first and last time is the last pleasure they will know: “When you come, signs of Satan bring him forth.  Cry out, O signs of death.  In this misery, your King is at hand and, for you, this is the last pleasure you will ever know.”(31)

408           Those who come who have not loved will regret what they have not done with their lives.  As the Catechism, quoting Augustine, states, “‘I (God) placed my poor little ones on Earth for you. I as their head was seated in heaven at the right hand of my Father - but on Earth my members were suffering, my members on Earth were in need. If you gave anything to my members, what you gave would reach their Head. Would that you had known that my little ones were in need when I placed them on Earth for you and appointed them your stewards to bring your good works into my treasury. But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore you have found nothing in my presence.’<625>”(32)   The messengers echo St. Augustine: “Small Earth creatures who do not sing, such sorrow is in store for these small ones.  When they see God and His works, such sorrow comes upon them.  When their eyes are opened and in His Spirit, there is no place for them because there were no works seen in Earth’s toil.  Such sorrow is reached.”(33)   The messengers also state, “When a person does not return God’s love, and he reaches his eternal destination and brings his sin and sorrow with him or her, God is so sorry.  Real is His love, and the child He loves is separated from his Father forever.”(34)

409               The foolish will regret that they trusted in things other than God.  The messengers write that “Those who have trusted in themselves and other things will travel to another place where God’s protection will be over.”(35)   God really does not have to judge the foolish, because the foolish have tried to enter the wedding in filthy clothes, and through the unpreparedness of their lives, their clothes, the foolish convict themselves.  The messengers write, “Each one who waits until God calls takes his Spirit in soiled robes.  He comes in unprepared, and, when his spirit looks upon God, his judgment is born within himself.” (36)  

410           In the end the messengers write, “You who are wise, soon rise in God’s Spirit.  You who are foolish, soon take your foolish ways.  You have chosen your part.”(37)   “God shall take in His saints and leave man as he wishes without a God.”(38)

            Part 2 A New Dwelling and a New Earth

411           We as Catholics, also profess a belief that there will be a new Earth.  The Catechism, quoting St. Irenaeus, states that we will have a new Earth: “‘So that the world itself, restored to its original state, facing no further obstacles, should be at the service of the just,’ sharing their glorification in the risen Jesus Christ.”(39)   The messengers agree: “On Earth shall all things be recreated as before.  Sounds of gladness shall sing forever.  Songs of life shall never die.  The evil one shall never rise up in Earth again.  This is a new Heaven and a new Earth.”(40)  

412           The Church is careful not to overstate its knowledge about this truth of the faith: "We know neither the moment of the consummation of the Earth and of man, nor the way in which the universe will be transformed. The form of this world, distorted by sin, is passing away, and we are taught that God is preparing a new dwelling and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells, in which happiness will fill and surpass all the desires of peace arising in the hearts of men."(41)  

413           God is preparing a “new dwelling.”  Since our deposit of the faith proclaims the truth of Christ in the teaching of a “New Dwelling” but does not describe any details about the “new dwelling” that God has prepared for us, any elaboration of it would not be in contradiction to the faith.  God is preparing a “new Earth.”  Since our deposit of faith proclaims the truth of Christ in the teaching of a New Earth but does not describe how the new Earth is going to come about, any potential elaboration of it would not be in contradiction to the faith.  Further discussion on how we come to live in our “New Dwelling” and how the “New Earth” is going to come about will be discussed in the messenger’s observation about both events in Chapter 18 ‘The Messengers Observations About  How We Come to Live in a New Dwelling and How the New Earth Will Come to Be.”  It is good to note here the existence of both and that according to the messengers, both the “new dwelling” and the “new Earth” will be a place of gladness, eternal life and that the evil one is not present on the “new dwelling” and that on the new Earth the evil one will never be present again.(42)

            Part 3 Summary

414           As in the previous Chapters, a vast number of the theological statements are the same as the Catholic Church and even expressed in the same manner.  God the Father sets the time for the  Last Judgment and only He knows it.  The Last Judgment is proceeded by the harvest by God’s messengers.  Symbols of good and bad grapes and the wheat and weeds are used to describe the reality of the harvest that is brought to God.  There is the resurrection of the dead of both the just and the unjust.  When everyone comes to court, we stand before a merciful and fair God who knows all of our deeds which have been included in the book of deeds.  If our names are written in the book of life, we remain with Christ and go with Him to Heaven .  In our day of judgment our life is laid bare for all to see.  We bring our own judgment by our preparedness, or lack of preparedness, with whether we have lived our lives by loving, loving God, and others, and being kind to all we meet.  Have we trusted in God, or have we put our trust in ourselves and other things? Those who have not loved God and others are separated from God forever in hell.  Sometime after the Last Judgment, the Earth will be recreated to its original state and Satan will not be allowed on Earth.

415           One could perhaps argue that some of the above could go in this next list or vice versa.  The following are theological and moral statements that agree with the Tradition of the Catholic Church, but things are expressed differently, or perhaps taken a little further than we have traveled with our doctrine.  Those who love God will be overjoyed at hearing His voice.  On the Day of Judgment we will find out what we are worth.  Those who do not believe in God will exclaim, “He is real!, but it is too late to avoid hell, and seeing the King is the last pleasure they will know. God will leave them the way they wanted to be, without a God.   

  The next section in Part One   Chapter 8  We Participate in the Sacred Mysteries

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