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  We Believe in Divine Revelation


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(1)   CCC 329  CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church
 (2) Ezra 1:2-4, 6:2-12
 (3) IGL 423:49-50  IGL  = In God’s Love 423 is Passage number :49-50 are the lines after the invocation “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit “
 (4) IGL 227:41-42,47-52
  (5) IGL 200:25-26
  (6) IGL 199:5-7
  (7) IGL 287:20-33

 How does In God's Love 
written by Janet Hurlow
relate to
the Catholic Faith ?

Preface: Getting Rid of Our Assumptions

16           Because of the unique authorship of In God’s Love, before we discuss how In God’s Love relates to the Catholic faith, we need to spend a few pages commenting on how it relates to our assumptions about beings from other worlds.  What are some of these assumptions?   These assumptions may be based on the fictional imagination of our media culture, the logic of our minds, or the “mind of the Church” as it fills in a void of what could be,  based upon what we believe about God, the Church and the Universe.  Now, In God’s Love confronts our assumptions and imagination with the reality of beings from another world. 

17           For the past 60 years the media world has been fascinated with the idea of “first contact” with aliens and what it is really like out there in space.  Space travel and aliens are very much a part of our culture, and all of it is based on fiction.  None of it is based on any experience with an actual alien.  It is important to recognize that in our imagining and even in our reasoning we might have bought into some of these ideas.  Now, if the authors of In God’s Love are not from our world, then some of these assumptions of the popular culture are going to be false.

Critique of the Popular Culture thoughts on Aliens

18           Fictional idea # 1 Aliens are just like us.  True, if you mean that God also created them.  False, if you mean they suffer pain and death and are greedy and nice like us.   These beings are very much in union with God (think Angels), and we are the only creation that they know of that experiences pain and death.  (They do not claim to have been everywhere.)  They are not good and bad; they only do good.

19           Fictional idea # 2 Aliens just want to take over the world.  False.  They have not come to rule the world, only God does that.  The Earth belongs to God.  They do act on God’s behalf to do His bidding in the world.

20           Fictional idea # 3 (An uncatholic idea) There is no such thing as God; God is something we made up because we were not scientific enough to explain things.  False.  These beings profess a belief in God and strongly assert that they are not God.

21           Fictional idea # 4 (An uncatholic idea) We have many different faiths in our world so beings from other worlds will have faith different from us since they will have created God in their own image.  Sorry, they come prefacing every passage with “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” They profess that Jesus is God and Man and that He suffered, died, and rose.  The three most used titles for God in In God’s Love are Father, Creator, and King. This sounds identical to what many Christians profess about God.

22           Fictional idea # 5 If there is a God, then God would have revealed Himself to other beings in a different way because God would present Himself differently to different cultures.  See # 4 above.

23           Fictional idea # 6 Perhaps some people from the Church would have the idea that when other beings come, while they may be technologically advanced, we will have the obligation to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to them because God has revealed Himself only to us.  Sorry.  See # 4 above.  This should not surprise us however.  Before In God’s Love we already knew about some aliens who knew the same God that we profess and know more than we do.  Angels.  If aliens are defined as any beings who are not indigenous to the Earth, then Angels would seem to qualify since we are never given any sense in Scripture that Angels have their origin on the planet Earth.  Yet the Angels of God know more about God and His plans than we currently do.  So, it is no wonder that these aliens from In God’s Love may know more about God and His plans than we do.  Indeed, these aliens, these spirits, may be angels.  “St. Augustine says: “Angel” is the name of their office, not of their nature.  If you seek the name of their nature, it is spirit: from what they are ‘spirit’ from what they do, ‘angel.’” (1)    God also uses “strangers” to accomplish His task.  The  non-covenanted Persians were His instrument for the second Exodus of His Chosen People. (2) 

24           Fictional idea # 7 (An uncatholic idea) There are two equal forces in the universe good and evil.  Sorry, God is good and Satan is evil, but they aren’t equal.  God created everything and Satan is powerful here on Earth, but is pretty limited.  “Does this thing (Satan/Devil) have power?  Yes, he does, if beings want him to have power.” (3)   “On this world is an evil force that has entered the people of Earth…Rest, saints, this evil one is powerful on the Earth only in spirits who accept him so foolishly.  His power is of no strength beyond Earth’s sun.  In this, take wisdom: this is the prince of fools.” (4) 

25           Fictional idea # 8 They have been here before.  True.  What?  Yes, but they are really vague about the details of this.  Was it recent, ancient Greece, Mayans, ancient Egypt, tall gods of Genesis 6:4?  We are not told.

26           “Sirts you see.  Rem is our race.”(5)   “Such srits as have frightened you wish to apologize.  This is not our way.  In such error, we are so sorry.”(6)   “We are the children of the cosmos.  We are the people from the stars.  In God’s Spirit, we come and have always come.  In times past, man of Earth called us gods in such ignorance.  We returned to our world in God’s Spirit, soon to come to Earth again.  Most beloved saints, we are not God.  God is our Father and Creator.  This must be understood when you see our gifts.  Understand, they are from God.  In God is our coming.  In His sending, we come.  Take our Creator who is also your Creator.  In this one being was all life created.”(7)

27           So we step out of the fictional world of what we think aliens and space are like into the real world that will one day come upon us.  The day we meet the authors of In God’s Love will come.   In a very real way, In God’s Love is the very first non-fiction book on aliens, although the focus of the book is not on them, but on us, the Earth, God and God’s love for us, and His desire for us to love Him in return.  Now, on to the question of this presentation: Does In God’s Love contradict the Catholic Faith?

  Next section in Part One      Chapter One We Believe in Divine Revelation


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